Monday, August 3, 2009

Argus Hamilton's column for 8-3-09

HOLLYWOOD--Happy Monday, and how's everybody?

The Cash for Clunkers program ran out of government money after only five days Friday. It offered cash for unwanted guzzlers. People brought in their investment brokers and their spouses and their congressmen, but the dealers would only take cars.

Utah police were led on a car chase by a seven-year-old boy Sunday who heisted a Ford to avoid going to church. It took an hour to pull him over. The cop turned down the child's offer to settle everything over a couple of beers with the president.

Mad Men returns next week on AMC about a Madison Avenue ad agency in the early Sixties. The characters all drink, smoke and have sex at work. When Jack Kennedy was America's president, the members of the Rat Pack took turns being Surgeon General.

Michael Jackson's kids were sold to his mother Friday by their biological mother Debbie Rowe. It's the third time she sold the kids to the family. She also acquired visitation rights, the bidding for which just reached fifty thousand dollars on eBay.

Senator Chris Dodd said Friday he'll have surgery to remove his prostate. This limits his participation in the health care debate. Chris Dodd won't be calling for any cuts in doctors' reimbursements until the knife is safely away from his testicles.

Citigroup paid billions in executive bonuses after receiving taxpayer bailout money. The bonuses are a good investment. It's important to retain these people inside Citigroup lest they escape into the wider economy and bring down the country.

The White House faced a growing call to withdraw from Afghanistan Friday after the Pentagon asked for the deployment of twenty thousand extra troops. After six years of U.S. occupation, the country is in chaos, panic and disorder. Our work is done.

The GOP National Committee met in San Diego and voted to label the president's health care bill as socialism. It's a philosophy Republicans understand. Socialism gives an eighteen handicapper a stroke a hole to give him a chance against Tiger Woods.

The Rio Hotel in Las Vegas announced Friday it has closed its topless swimming pool which was popular with strippers. The hotel said the pool flunked an integrity check. A routine test of the pool chemicals found the cocaine level was a little high.

Mexico police closed the beach in Cancun at the Gran Caribe Real Hotel Friday, claiming the hotel took the high-quality sand from the beach. They say the hotel made off with the fine white powder. The hotel says there is no law against possessing cut.

Nancy Pelosi fired back at health care reform opponents Friday by accusing the insurance industry of being evil. We'll all know soon. When the final Harry Potter book is released next year, Lord Voldemort is revealed to be a managed care executive.

The White House offered the Senate a proposal to pay for health care reform by slapping a huge tax on Botox, cheek implants, eyelifts, facelifts, collagen shots and boob jobs. The entertainment industry can't believe Obama would do this to them. This is the last time Hollywood backs a presidential candidate under the age of sixty.

Michelle Obama was told by environmental officials Friday that the soil in her White House vegetable garden is contaminated with lead from a fertilizer used during the Clinton administration. They used sewage sludge on the lawn. It was an attempt to show that Bill Clinton's DNA grows out of the ground and doesn't prove anything.

Copyright 2009 Argus Hamilton
All rights reserved.
Material may be quoted with attribution.


Comedian and nationally syndicated columnist Argus Hamilton entertains at corporate events and meetings around the country. When home in Los Angeles, he can be seen live onstage at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. Contact for more information. Argus Hamilton's bio