Sunday, November 30, 2008

The glamour doll

You're not going to believe this, but America Wants To Know has just been recruited to audition for a reality show.

Wait, it gets better.

"We are looking for the country’s most desireable women who have yet to meet their equal," the e-mail said, "You are perfect!! We would like to bring you in for an interview audition to our office this week. Are you available anytime between 11am-6pm?"

Why are we telling you?

To quote an old joke, we're telling everybody.

The casting director, if he really is a casting director, informs us that the show, if there really is a show, has been sold to MTV networks and will be produced by "a major A-list actress."

Show business is so hard.

We're probably going to pass up the opportunity to audition for this show, if there is a show, despite (or because of) the casting director's assurance that it includes "no cheesy challenges."

But we're happy to post the picture that caught the eye of the casting director, if he is a casting director, just in case the producers of "The Girls Next Door" want to replace Kendra with someone who wrote a slightly pornographic novel about amending the Constitution, or in case John McCain wants to try the presidential run again with a bimbo running mate who can put her words in the right order.

Send those offers to!

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