Wednesday, July 19, 2006

President Bush's "moral line"

President George W. Bush explained his policy on sacrifice today.

He does not believe it is moral to advance the interests of mankind by sacrificing life in its embryonic stage.

He believes we should wait until it has been through basic training.

How many times has President Bush stood in front of a camera and told us that more Americans must die in Iraq because so many Americans have already died in Iraq, and to change the policy now would be to dishonor the dead?

Why is it moral to sacrifice the lives of young Americans in order to avoid the acknowledgment that the Iraq policy has failed?

Why is it moral to withhold federal funding from science in the name of religion?

With any luck, scientific advances in embryonic stem cell research will proceed despite the denial of federal funding and we will live to see cures for grim diseases like juvenile diabetes and Parkinson's.

One day, far in the future, President George W. Bush's obituary will note in the first paragraph that he used his first veto to stand in the way of that progress.

Copyright 2006
